Get to Know Danny Phillips, Market Analyst

Meet Danny Phillips, Market Analyst and new HLC Team Member!

Danny Phillips joined Holt Lunsford Commercial in 2023 and serves as a Market Analyst for the Dallas Industrial Division. He is responsible for assisting in project leasing assignments and marketing and business development efforts of the Industrial team and other HLC clients.

Danny spent his childhood in Cleveland, Ohio before moving to Austin, Texas. He attended Texas A&M University where he earned a degree in Business Management.

What brought you to HLC?
Being from Austin, I had never heard of HLC. I started going through the web, networking here in Dallas and ended up meeting Tyler Howarth. I knew this was where I wanted to be so I am glad I ended up with this position. 

How do you hope to grow at HLC?
There are two sides to it. When I look at my life, I am more focused on who I am. What I love about real estate is how you are kind of your own business. People know who you are, how you act, and what you succeed and fail at. I hope to stay true to myself through it all and that I can grow into someone reliable and with your best interest at heart like the people I work under. I want to grow into someone who has earned respect and reaches out to the new hires as they make the same walk I did.

What about your role at HLC most excites or interests you?
What is most exciting is that this is a really good team. It is fun to see, and I love how HLC is tight-knit with an open-door policy. When you walk into a Managing Officers’ office like Canon’s, he is invested in what you are doing and will give you advice. I don’t necessarily have a passion for warehouse buildings, I have a passion for people.

Which HLC value resonates the most with you and why?
We seek to Build Trust.

What three words would you use to describe the HLC culture?
Passionate. Energetic. Solid. 

If you could tell one person “thank you” for helping me become the person you are today, who would it be and why?
My dad. He is one of those dads who was hard on me growing up, but now I see my siblings and I have learned from him. He taught me how to learn from my mistakes and the value of being respectful and trustworthy.

What are three interesting things about you that we wouldn’t learn from your resume?
I am from Cleveland, Ohio. I am a die-hard Cleveland Browns fan. I have run four half marathons and a marathon. I love to fly fish. 

How do you define success?
I am one man. I cannot change the world by myself. However, I can do my part, helping one step at a time. Also, being a positive influence on people.

How do you like to spend your free time?
I love to cook and grill. I love to fish too.

If you were the CEO of a company name one thing you would make mandatory?
I would make it a must-have to have a putting green. Every week there is a competition of some sort.

Where is the furthest you’ve traveled?
Lusaka, Zambia for missions trips. I went four times in high school and a month in college. It was at a summer camp for kids.

Favorite quote?
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Butter Pecan

What superpower would you like to have?

What was the last gift you gave someone?
An engagement ring for my now fiancé

If you had to choose, what would your last meal be? No limits.
Cabo Bob’s in Austin. Smokey cheddar burrito, steak, white rice, chipotle cream sauce, chips and queso

Welcome to HLC, Danny; we are glad you are here!