Meet William Wilson, Market Associate and new HLC team member!
William Wilson serves as a Market Associate in the Fort Worth Industrial Division. He is responsible for all marketing initiatives at Riverbend Industrial Park which is a master planned industrial park totaling 1.5 million square feet in thirty-six buildings. In addition to Riverbend Industrial Park, he focuses on market intelligence, producing weekly analysis reports, assisting brokers in leasing transactions for other third-party assignments, owner communication and strategic business development within the greater Fort Worth market for the Industrial team.
Prior to Joining HLC, William worked as a Wealth Management Intern at Cerity Partners where he was responsible for documenting individuals’ taxes and inserting data in to the Lacerte tax program.
William grew up on a farm in Pike Road, Alabama, which used to be a small town out in the country but has slowly become a suburb of Montgomery. William attended college in Texas at Texas Christian University (still in the South, mind you!) where he received a BBA in Entrepreneurial Innovation.
What brought you to HLC?
During my junior year at TCU, I met Holden Lunsford through my cousin’s husband and scheduled a time to talk with him, get his advice and learn more about the CRE industry and HLC. I kept HLC on my radar, and when I saw a job opening for a Market Associate in the Fort Worth office, I jumped on it.
How do you hope to grow at HLC?
I want to strengthen my overall knowledge of commercial real estate and learn the industrial, office and tenant representation sides of the business. I want to work with all different kinds of people and build relationships in the industry.
What about your role at HLC most excites or interests you?
Getting to be out in the field and meet new people. Helping a tenant find the perfect property for them and then closing the deal.
What three words would you use to describe the HLC culture?
Community, exciting, helpful.
Which HLC value resonates the most with you and why?
Golden Rule. You always want to make a great first impression and be kind and respectful to others, no matter who they are.
Who or what inspires you?
My parents. Seeing how hard they have worked to provide a great life for my brother and I has inspired me to do the same for my future family. My grandfather. He left behind a legacy of strong Christian values, keeping your family close, being there for others and a strong work ethic. Inspirational speaker Dr. Kevin Elko has also been a big influence for me.
How do you define success?
Having a sense of accomplishment that is also noted by others.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I enjoy working out, hunting and fishing, spending time with friends. I really enjoy anything outdoors, and I also like to relax and spend an evening watching Netflix.
What would you invent if you could?
A bed that makes itself.
Where is the furthest you’ve traveled?
New Zealand on a two-week trip with my family.
Favorite quote?
“Be there,” by James Wilson, Jr., my late grandfather, and “Be where your feet are,” by Dr. Kevin Elko.
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Sweet cream with gummy bears and sprinkles from Marble Slab or Cold Stone.
What can you teach me to do in five minutes?
How to drive a boat.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you?
A massive house, my friends, and a book of endless ideas of things to do.
What was the last gift you gave someone?
A handmade money clip that I gave as a thank you gift for connecting me with Holden.
If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, or book, which one would you claim?
The Star-Spangled Banner.
What character would you be in a book, movie, or TV show?
Last meal?
Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, black-eyed peas, and corn bread, with banana pudding for dessert.
Welcome to HLC William, we are glad you are here!