Meet Jamie Clyde, Market Analyst and new HLC team member!
Jamie Clyde joined Holt Lunsford Commercial in 2021 and serves as a Market Analyst in the Dallas Tenant Representation division. He focuses on advising clients on their office and industrial relocations, facility evaluation, strategic planning, client focus, contract negotiation, financial analysis, and market knowledge. Prior to joining HLC, Jamie interned for Senator John Cornyn where he focused on policy analysis and constituent correspondence.
Jamie grew up in Tyler, Texas, a small town of about 100,000 people located in east Texas. He grew up with solid family values and was raised in a good environment. Jamie graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BA in Government and an English minor. He is also a Texas Real Estate Commission license holder.
What brought you to HLC?
It was kind of in a roundabout way. My brother, coincidentally, knew a lot of people in Dallas that were in commercial real estate. Once I started looking for a job, I started reaching out to them. I probably talked to 10 or 12 people before I finally connected to Dan Pond. He introduced me to Tyler Howarth and the rest is history. I couldn’t be in a better spot now.
How did you get into real estate?
About six months ago I didn’t know anything about commercial real estate. I talked to people that were doing a lot of different stuff within the industry, such as investments and research reporting. I finally talked to a girl that works in tenant representation. She gave me the lowdown of what she does and what her day-to-day looks like. I decided that was what I wanted to do, and it has worked out well.
How do you hope to grow at HLC?
I’m in a position where I can learn a lot right now. People here want you to be better and build each other up. That’s encouraging. I think I can grow in my career here but also as a person and as a man while doing this job. I think that’s rare and I’m thankful for this opportunity.
What about your role at HLC most excites or interests you?
I like that there is no cap on what I can do. I can get as many clients as I possibly can, and I like the fact that my success is dependent on what I do. How hard I work directly correlates with what I reap from my work.
Which HLC value resonates the most with you and why?
We Seek to Build Trust. Without trust you don’t have anything. I trust the guys on my team, that they won’t screw me over at any point. There’s not anyone in the company I would think having an ulterior motive.
What three words would you use to describe the HLC culture?
Welcoming, exciting, wholesome.
If you could tell one person “thank you” for helping you become the person you are today, who would it be and why?
My high school history teacher, Mr. Keeling. I kind of skated through high school and didn’t try very hard. I got into his AP history class junior year, and he really challenged me. He challenged me to be better and it wasn’t just on the school front. He challenged me to be a better man, to take ownership of what I was doing. That wasn’t something you always get in a teacher. We are still in contact today.
What are three interesting things about you that we wouldn’t learn from your resume?
1. I love to golf. I’m an avid golfer. I try to play once a week if I’m lucky.
2. I love all kinds of music, especially classic rock.
3. I love to cook. I can make really good spaghetti carbonara.
How do you define success?
Staying true to yourself no matter what happens, and always conducting yourself with integrity.
If you were the CEO of a company, name one thing you would make mandatory in the office and one thing you would ban.
Mandatory – once a month, rotating between employees, everyone must bring in their favorite food for everyone to try. Ban – chewing gum.
What would you invent if you could?
A tracker you can put in a golf ball that wouldn’t affect the flight of it. So, if you end up losing it, you can press a button and it will ring wherever it is in the ruff. I spend so much time looking for lost golf balls.
Where is the furthest you’ve traveled?
Australia, for a school trip.
What is your favorite quote?
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”
If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
A sea turtle. They’re awesome and they live 100+ years.
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Haggen Daas coffee.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you?
Rope, swiss army knife, and a water purifier.
What’s your secret talent that no one at work knows about?
I’m really good at ping pong.
If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, or book which one would you claim?
The Statue of David.
Last meal?
A steak from Town Hearth, a side of creamed spinach, and Haggen Daas coffee ice cream for dessert.
Welcome to HLC, Jamie, we are glad you are here!