Meet Bryce Adams, Investment Analyst and new HLCI team member!
Bryce Adams joined Holt Lunsford Commercial in 2021 and serves as an Investment Analyst for Holt Lunsford Commercial Investments (HLCI). He is responsible for underwriting and evaluating potential investments, supporting the team in the execution of transactions, and using data analysis to monitor industry trends. In three short years, Bryce received his B.B.A. from Abilene Christian University with a major in Finance and a minor in Spanish.
Bryce was born and raised in North Dallas. He is the youngest of three, with an older brother and sister. Both of his siblings are married and have young kids of their own. He has been enjoying being an uncle to his three nephews. While Bryce grew up playing sports of all kinds, he soon settled on soccer as his sport of choice. Excelling at a young age, he attended the Youth World Cup at the age of eleven. He continued to play in club and in high school until his knees failed him and he had to slow down. He still loves to play in pickup games for fun on the weekends and enjoys soccer just as much as when he played competitively.
What brought you to HLCI?
I had a professor that connected me. I did an internship with HLC this past winter break before I graduated. I worked a little bit with leasing, and I had already done several other internships and they were all leasing related, so I wanted to try something new. I had a sneaking suspicion that I would fit more with HLCI and the investments team and what they do, but I wasn’t sure yet. I spent a lot of my internship with the Investments team and really enjoyed it. Then they invited me back to stay long term after my graduation in May and I’ve been here since.
Why do you think you fit in better with the investments side?
I think it’s mainly my personality, just how my mind is wired. I think I’m naturally more introverted. I can do the leasing stuff, but it feels less natural, I really have to work at it. The investment side is where my natural inclination is. In leasing you’re cold calling all day, you’re talking to people, you’re coordinating things with a bunch of different people, and I can do that, but I feel like I’m “on” all day. I just can’t do that for an extended amount of time.
How do you hope to grow at HLCI?
One of my main goals every day is to learn something new about something new. The more that I can be an asset to other people by broadening my knowledge, the more I’m going to be successful.
What about your role at HLCI most excites or interests you?
I like the fact that I can do deep dives into subjects. Often others don’t have the time to dive deep into subjects, so being an analyst, I get the opportunity to dive deep into those subjects for them. A lot of times I learn really interesting things about stuff I never would have encountered or looked into otherwise.
How did you get into real estate?
Since middle school or high school, I knew I was finance-oriented or at least business-oriented. I grew up watching Shark Tank. My brother is a wealth manager, and so I followed in his footsteps in that way. Through that I discovered real estate and the financial aspect of real estate and was really intrigued. In high school I skipped classes and lunch to go meet with commercial real estate executives. After talking with them a while, that’s how I determined this is what I wanted to do. It was hard because they were my only points of contact, none of my family is in real estate. They were the ones I was relying on for whether or not I would like it. Luckily, they were right.
Which HLC value resonates the most with you and why?
We seek to build trust. Our investors place a tremendous amount of trust in us to steward their funds well. I take that very seriously when looking at the investments, because I understand how much of a responsibility that is for us.
What three words would you use to describe the HLC culture?
Fun, ambitious and purpose driven.
Who or what inspires you most in life?
Family. I think you can learn a lot of lessons about life and gain inspiration from the way different family members treat you. Either in a good way or a bad way, and you can learn from that. I think I’m inspired by different aspects of my family members. Whether it’s worth ethic or tireless love or even just friendship with my brother and sister. You learn to cherish and pick out different things. I don’t know if inspiring is the word, but it inspires me.
How do you define success?
Success for me is a measure of how successful I’ve been at making other people successful. A lot of my mentors, who I really look up to, have told me about this seems to work out for them; the more you help other people, the more it helps you out.
If you were the CEO of a company name one thing you would make mandatory in the office and one thing you would ban.
I would make a company sponsored breakfast everyday mandatory. It encourages people to get to work earlier and with a full stomach they can work better. I would ban ties. Am I allowed to say that?
How do you like to spend your free time?
Weekends I’m usually out on the golf course or soccer field. I always love to travel but I’m also comfortable at home just reading a book or watching a movie.
Where is the furthest you’ve traveled?
I don’t know which one is technically the furthest, but I have traveled all over. I’ve visited Italy, Switzerland, Greece, and Kenya. Kenya is probably the furthest.
Where was your favorite place to travel?
I went to a study abroad program in Oxford only a month after a mission trip in Kenya. Financially, it wouldn’t have made sense to fly all the way back to the US only to leave again a month later. Instead, during the month in between I took a solo backpacking trip through Italy, Switzerland, and Greece. The most beautiful place was Switzerland, but the food in Italy was so good. I think between the food, culture, and experience as a whole, Italy was my favorite.
Everyone has a good app idea. What’s yours?
An app that immediately reordered stuff from your fridge or pantry when it gets low. If there was some sort of sensor to scan the fridge and reorder right away.
What would you invent if you could?
Besides a smart fridge that reorders food, I would say flying cars.
What is your favorite quote?
“If you learn all you can from the mistakes of others, you won’t have time to make them all yourself.”
– Alfred Sheinwold
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies & Cream
What superpower would you like to have?
The ability to time travel would be super cool. I would really appreciate the ability to fly. I went paragliding in Switzerland and the view from high up is so cool. The ability to replicate that daily would be super awesome.
What’s your secret talent no one at work knows about?
I did calligraphy for a while. I’m self-taught. I also did graphic design for a while. I did social media for gaming teams. I also did some freelance work for Liverpool, the English soccer team, got a sponsorship and everything. I did this when I was 13. Nobody knew how old I was, I acted like I was older and spoke like I was older.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you?
Probably sunscreen: I hate getting sunburnt. Maybe a book of some sort. It all depends on if I think I’m going to be rescued or not. Also, a soccer ball to kick around.
If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, or book, which one would you claim?
I would say Banksy when his work was still super mysterious.
What character would you be in a book, movie, or TV show?
Batman without the tragic past.
If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
A cow. I grew up going to my grandparent’s ranch and used to spend a lot of time in the fields. They are just so happy hanging out and living life.
Last meal?
My mom’s homemade tonkatsu.
Welcome to HLC, Bryce, we are glad you are here!