Hayden Parker

Market Associate | Dallas, Texas

hparker@holtlunsford.com | ‭972.265.0129 |  contacts-icon

Hayden Parker joined Holt Lunsford Commercial in 2022 and serves as Market Associate in the Dallas Office division. He is responsible for gathering market intelligence, producing competitive market sets, generating weekly analysis reports, assisting brokers in lease negotiations, and marketing HLC properties. Hayden is dedicated to supporting the leasing transactions team on their approximately 5.1 million square foot portfolio of office assets; researching specified buildings and assisting each Market Director with their individual marketing duties.

Hayden received a BBA in Managerial Finance and Banking Finance from The University of Mississippi. While at Ole Miss Hayden received the L. L. Bethay award for academic excellence in Finance. Prior to joining HLC, Hayden worked as a Credit Analyst where he underwrote commercial real estate loans for American National Bank of Texas.